"It was the most disgusting thing in my whole life. The girl injected about a pound of saliva into my mouth, and when I walked away I had to spit it all out." - Leonardo Di Caprio
"It was my prom night and it was a complete disaster. I rented a limousine so I could take this beautiful girl. At the end of the night, I went to kiss her and she responded. I was so nervous that my stomach got really nauseous. I said, Excuse me’-and threw up all over my shoes and rented tux." - Nicholas Cage"
The first boy I ever kissed was Ronny Howard in the fifth grade. He had real white blond hair and skyblue eyes. I wrote his name all over my sneakers and on the playground, I used to take off the top part of my school uniform and chase him around.- Madonna
"I was about 15 and met her at a party. I suggested we meet at a park the next day. We held hands and there was a little kissing and sort of fumbling. But once that happened I didn’t really know what to do next. It was a very clumsy affair." - Sting
"I was in the fourth grade. We made a plan to meet in her garage and kiss. It was like this business deal. I go right up to her, kiss her. Then I ran home." - Brad Pitt
I didnt have my first kiss until I was 14 and had my braces off. I was just getting into hip-hop and I was totally overdeveloped, had breasts already and was at least two of three feet taller than other kids in my class. Whenever I was out with my friends, grown men would talk to me and when they asked my age, I’d say,’13’, and they’d be terrified. I got a kick out of that." - Liv Tyler
"My first kiss was from a boy in second grade. He was really pretty and it was good because there was this really tough girl there who fancied him too. So she would hang around with me to be near him. That gave me a good bodyguard. Mind you, I wouldn’t know the boy now if I tripped over him."-Kylie Minogue
"My first real kiss was at a girlfriends sweet 16 party. I kissed the most gorgeous boy in high school, the guy everyone fancied, and I was so overcome, I cried. But he didnt know I was crying because it was dark." - Lisa Kudrow
"I was in fifth grade and thought I was in love with a boy named Graham. So we kissed. Then he broke my heart and told everybody that I was flat-chested and thats why he didnt like me anymore." - Reese Witherspoon
"I was 15 or 16. I had heard about French kissing and thought it was the most disgusting thing in the whole world. There was only one guy interested in me, and one day he kissed me and it freaked me out so much I went running over to my friends house, so repulsed by it and yet excited because I’d never been kissed by a man before." - Lucy Liu
"I was 12. His name was Nicky and he had braces. We were in the backyard, and Im like, you wanna do it, you wanna do it? Well, okay, lets do it. And then we did. It was just awful. But then it was darkness,saliva and tongue." - Charlize Theron
"My first kiss was so bad. It was on the cheek but it was too much. We were at the sixth grade dance,and we were sitting down outside. I held her hand and she suddenly leaned over and kissed me on the
cheek. I yelled,’ Hey!’, but I didnt mean to. It just came out, and I said,’ Im sorry’. Then we didn’t walk for the rest of the night and the next day I broke up with her." - Freddy Prinze Jr
"I was at this party and I was 11. We were playing truth or dare and I was a nervous wreck. I remember it was this guy Peter who was from Sweden; he was really really cute. So thankfully he was attractive, but it was terrifying ’cos there were 15 other people in a semicircle looking at me while I was trying to appear very experienced. It was pretty traumatizing - and exhilarating." - Claire Danes
"I had my first kiss when I was 12 and the chap I was kissing was 17, so he knew a thing or two. He had been drinking beer and smoking cigarettes - and it was simply the best taste I think I had ever encountered at that time." - Emma Thompson
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